Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday Drive

I went for a Sunday drive yesterday - all the way into VGH! I was so tired I found myself having conversations with myself in my head, giving myself permission to just fall asleep. Then I'd shake my head and remind the inner voice that I was on the road. I made it there safely!

- Brian will be receiving his "PLEX" today (PLasma EXchange - I haven't known what to call it all along but it was most like a transfusion, so "Plasma transfusion" seemed the best option. Now I have the technical term!) He will be skipping tomorrow's to see what happens.

- His feet are swollen right up again since yesterday morning. I'm not sure what this is a sign of, but I'm hoping it doesn't mean his kidney function has gone down again.

- At his "Plex" yesterday, he had another reaction. Not nearly as severe this time, and they managed to complete it. When I saw him, his face was all puffy again and the Benadryl was making him sleepy.

- I may be going to the hospital again today, this time with Mercy along for the ride. We've been wanting to protect the kids from the way Daddy looks (tubes coming out of his neck and everything) and not scare them, but Mercy is really having a hard time dealing with not seeing Daddy. Phoning is no longer enough.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Mercy especially today as you take her in to see Daddy.
    Safe travels and praying for all of your needs!
