Thursday, July 29, 2010


I didn't post at all yesterday! I'm still thinking in point form (I can barely even form paragraphs that are "pretty"!) So that's how I'll do this post, again.

-Yesterday was a tough one on Brian - he had his second plasma treatment and ended up having a severe allergic reaction to it. The stopped treatment and pumped him full of Benadryl. Over an hour later I got him on the phone and he still sounded awful. He could barely even talk- his mouth, throat, tongue and the back of his nose were still so swollen. He said his face puffed up as well - that would have been quite a sight! It was scary, he said. I think the reality of all of this is hitting him.

-The doctors are amazed that Brian is still able to walk right now. Whether he goes for treatment, or to get a central line placed, or to get a CAT scan - he WALKS out. Every test comes back saying that Brian is very sick, and yet he is still walking around. Amazing.

-Apart from the little "blip" yesterday, Brian seems to be responding to the treatment really well. They're going to do the treatment every day for 2 weeks and then reevaluate. After his first treatment (and a little bit of blood) Brian's platelet levels came right back up to normal. They didn't stay that way, but the fact that they DID was encouraging.

-They now believe he has a very rare form of TTP (TTP is rare to begin with!!) and they're labeling it a mix of TTP and HUS (I have yet to do the research on HUS, so providing a link for those of you reading this is actually getting ME on the ball about it!)

- I can't remember when, but at some point we got news that another member of Brian's family is on the list for a kidney transplant in ON because of TTP. There is a familial type of TTP, so this has become big news for the doctors (who have never seen such a rare case). They are hoping to work together with the doctors in ON to "study" this case and see if there is a link somewhere.

Prayer requests:
Pray that they keep working quickly! The doctors have been excellent, and Brian's care is better than I could have imagined.
Continue to pray for provision for the kids and I. I've been working on it, and I'm hoping that as much as things continue to be expedited medically, that they can be expedited financially for us and that I get things figured out quickly!
Pray for wisdom for me - with our living situation being up in the air to begin with, I'm wondering now if I should move us out of here so we don't have the financial burden of renting this place without any income. I have no idea where that takes us.
Pray that Brian begins to take this VERY seriously. He has a bad habit of downplaying everything. Pray he uses this time to evaluate where he's at so, when he's healthy and home again, he can STAY healthy.

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