Tuesday, July 27, 2010


My good friend is with my two kids at her house right now and I'm taking a moment for myself. Today I'm feeling AWFUL - the stress is starting to take a toll on me. But I don't have the time to feel ill, I have SO much to do! It's interesting, being both Mommy and Daddy right now. And I'm learning a lot. I'm also learning a lot about what I can handle when I have to. Yes, I CAN survive on 5 hours sleep. Yes, I CAN have anxiety due to bad news and continue to function. These are lessons I probably didn't need to learn, but I have anyway.

Brian has heard that the biopsy results will be in either this evening or tomorrow morning. If the hematologist doesn't hear anything by this evening he's going to personally phone to try to find out. He is SUCH a good doctor - he's the one that has been expediting everything so far.

While checking his heart (and his brain, and his lungs, and his spleen, liver, and kidneys) it was discovered that Brian has a bit of a heart murmur. So today he's also having an echo cardiogram to look into that a little further. It probably has absolutely no significance to his case, but it's something that needs to be looked at anyway. The ECG, and yet another ultrasound, takes place in just 15 minutes from now.

His BP continues to decline. Slowly, which is nice - if it goes down too quickly Brian feels quite ill. I still have not heard about his kidney function or the platelets, but I plan on phoning Brian soon and asking him to double check on that.

That's it for now. More to come this evening, I am sure.


  1. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow, and that you have a restful sleep tonight!
