Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I know, I know. It's been way too long since I put up a blog post. I didn't MEAN to take a break, but one was needed. So much going on, and so much complaining I wanted to do. And really, who wants to go to a blog to hear nothing but complaints? I needed an attitude adjustment.

So what's new in our world? Hmm... Let me try to figure out where I left off!

Brian's health. He's doing okay. Right now there are some adjustments being made to his medication(s) and I hope that means he'll feel much, MUCH better. Soon. He had his line pulled (yay!) so that means he only has one appointment every two weeks. It's freed up a lot of his time. But he's had a few more diagnosis (diagnoses?). One being "Pancreatitis". Look it up. It's not fun. But it just made the symptoms he'd been dealing with already worse. The good news is that his blood work has been very positive. All of his numbers (even his kidney function) are in the normal range. All of them! It's amazing. It doesn't mean he feels better, unfortunately, but it means he's as healthy as he's going to get! One of the new medications prescribed to him should help him with the constant nausea he battles, and that should make him more comfortable.

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