Thursday, March 10, 2011


What's new on our front? Well, good and bad (as usual!). Brian and I were just at the hospital today. We got a call last night that he was booked for a test - nice of them to give us notice! A dye had to be inserted into the veins in his arm to see if he can have surgery to create a fistula in the near future. We haven't spoken to the specialist but we already know the bad news - his veins are just too small! They may still be able to do a fistula in his upper arm, but it requires much more work and much more time off to heal! So I'm praying something miraculous happens in the meantime.

We have also been waiting to hear about the genetic testing. It was done months ago. There is a very good chance his type of Atypical HUS is genetic, and could be passed down to my kids. First they'd test his siblings, if he tests positive for the genetic code, to see if any of them carry the same trait. THEN my kids would get tested. I have been waiting on pins and needles to hear those results. They were supposed to come in last Friday, but we've heard nothing.

I've made this post long enough after weeks (months?) of silence. Thanks for being "out there".


  1. I feel thankful that you feel like you can be 'you' here, though i understand it's not easy - i enjoy reading your blog!
    will be praying for the outcome of the tests for your kids and for the sentencing results.

  2. no comment, just {hugs}. I'm glad you're "back". <3

  3. hey friend, I've been so behind with my blog reading. I'm glad you're popping in to share what's going on when you can. Do what you need to do for you and your little family. Hugs!
